Monday, March 9, 2009

To Vow or Not To Vow

"It is better not to vow than to make a vow and not fulfill it." (Ecclesiastics 5:5 NIV)

I don't know how many of you are familiar with a children's book entitled, "A Promise is a Promise" by Robert Munsch. Although I must admit to forgetting the storyline, the truth of the title and that catchy phrase has remained with me. A promise is a promise.

Today in Numbers I read of the laws concerning vows. My heart was convicted. I have made an impulsive pledge in the past. My heart was sincere at the time. I had every intent to fulfill my vow, but schedules, demands, and circumstances crowd and squeeze my intent until it lays abandoned.

This morning my heart breaks. I fall before the Lord, knowing my disobedience has disappointed. Father, I am so sorry for the times I fail You. Please see the love within my heart and the desire to follow closely. Humbly I seek Your forgiveness. You have kept every promise You have ever made to me. May I sincerely count the cost before a vow is made and be careful no words are idle promises.

"For no matter how many promises God has made, they are 'Yes' in Christ."
2 Corinthians 1:20

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Chef Diane said...

Praying for you Joy,

On Purpose said...

Joy God doesn't want something you can't give...a promise...He wants your heart...and He's got that!

Sharon Sloan said...

I love your heart Joy. Thanks for sharing so honestly. Praying He leads you perfectly concerning this pledge.
